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May the spirit of National Day fill our hearts with pride and gratitude!~~每个人都喜欢看类似的句子,品文字现在推荐你阅读一下写给朋友的祝福信英语72条,强烈建议你能收藏本页以方便阅读!


1、Wishing our country and its people all the best on National Day!

2、Let us celebrate our National Day with gratitude for all the blessings that our country has bestowed upon us.

3、Happy National Day to all citizens of our great country.

4、Let's use this National Day to reflect on our country's challenges and strengths, and work towards solutions.

5、Let us all unite in celebrating our nation's strength, resilience and growth on National Day.

6、Wishing you a festive and memorable National Day, filled with happiness, energy, and inspiration!

7、Let's take pride in our country's achievements and progress on this National Day!

8、Let’s strive for excellence on National Day!

9、Happy National Day! Let’s learn from our past and pave the way for the future!

10、Wishing you a memorable and joyful National Day celebration with your loved ones!

11、Happy National Day! Let's honor the contributions of all workers and laborers who have helped build our country.

12、Happy National Day! Let’s be proud of our achievements as a nation!

13、Happy National Day! Let’s cherish our national spirit and values!

14、May this National Day be a memorable tribute to our country's rich history, traditions, and achievements!

15、Let's embrace the diversity and beauty of our country on National Day. 在国庆节,让我们拥抱祖国的多样性和美丽。

16、Enjoying the celebrations of this joyous day!

17、Happy National Day! May the sun always shine on our great country.

18、Let's celebrate our beautiful nation and its rich culture on this National Day!


19、Here's wishing you a fantastic National Day celebration with your loved ones!

20、Let's celebrate the rich culture and heritage of our great country on this National Day!

21、Celebrate the unity and strength of our great nation on National Day!

22、Happy National Day China! Let's make this a memorable one.

23、Let's cherish the unity and harmony of our motherland on National Day. 在国庆节,让我们珍惜祖国的团结和和谐。

24、Let's celebrate our shared humanity and tackle global challenges together on National Day!

25、On this National Day, let's pledge to make our country a better place for everyone!

26、May the spirit of National Day guide us to a brighter future of peace and prosperity!

27、Congratulations! Earning your Master’s degree is an achievement of note,and I hope you are feeling proud and happyas you deserve。获得硕士学位是一项引人瞩目的成就,我希望你为此感到骄傲和欢欣,因为你当之无愧。祝贺你!

28、Have a magnificent National Day full of celebrations and happiness!

29、May the pride and joy of our nation never fade away!

30、Let's celebrate the diversity and unity of our great nation on National Day.

31、Happy National Day! May our country continue to shine and prosper in the years to come.

32、Happy National Day, may the dream of your founding fathers continue to inspire generations of your citizens!

33、Let us never forget the sacrifices made by our heroes and martyrs to defend our country's honor and dignity! 让我们永远不忘我们的英雄和烈士为捍卫国家的荣誉和尊严所付出的牺牲!

34、May our country continue to thrive and flourish on this National Day!

35、Happy National Day to the land of my birth!

36、On this National Day, let's honor and respect our elders and ancestors who have paved the way for us.


37、May your country always stand tall and proud on this National Day and every day!

38、We had been together for two trees,we have a duet of two voices,we have a buddy on the school desks。When we waved goodbye,please accept my affectionate blessing。我们曾是并肩的两棵小树,我们曾是二重唱的两个声部,我们曾是张课桌上的学友。当我们挥手告别的时候,请接受我深情的祝福。

39、May the spirit of National Day inspire us to uphold our values and embody our greatness!

40、May our country continue to be a beacon of peace, unity, and harmony on this National Day and beyond!

41、May this National Day bring us even closer together as proud citizens of our great country!

42、Most want to hear your laughter,most want to see is your happiness,happiness is always with you,this is my most sincere wishes!最想听到的是你的笑声,最想看到的是你的快乐,愿幸福永远陪伴你,这是我最真心的祝福!

43、Let us come together and celebrate this National Day with pride, honor and dignity for our country and its people.

44、May all your dreams come true this National Day as we celebrate our accomplishments as a nation.

45、Happy National Day to all my fellow citizens! Let's work together towards a better future for our country!

46、Happy National Day, the day to celebrate China's culture, history, and contributions!

47、On this National Day, let us come together and celebrate the unity and diversity of our nation!

48、Let us cherish the memories of the past and look forward to a brighter future for our country!

49、Wishing your nation peace, harmony, and happiness on this National Day and always!

50、May this National Day bring peace, happiness, and prosperity to our nation and to all its citizens.

51、You are so pretty,if thy forgot you--but i can’t forget you。你如此漂亮,如果你的忘记你--但是 i 不能忘记你。

52、Here’s to the prosperity and progress of our beloved nation on National Day!

53、Celebrating the values that make our country great on National Day!

54、Wishing you a beautiful National Day filled with happiness and prosperity!


55、Here's to a brighter and better future for our country on this National Day and always!

56、Happy National Day, my dear friend! May your heart be filled with joy and pride as we celebrate this special occasion together! 亲爱的朋友,国庆节快乐! 愿我们一起庆祝这个特别的时刻,心中充满喜悦和自豪!

57、May China continue to thrive and grow on this National Day and always!

58、On National Day, let's unite as one and move forward towards a brighter tomorrow!

59、Happy National Day! Let's work towards social justice, human rights, and equality for all.

60、On National Day, let's celebrate China's spirit of resilience, strength, and courage!

61、Honoring the past, celebrating the present, and looking forward to the future on National Day!

62、Wishing all my friends and family a happy and peaceful National Day!

63、May our country continue to prosper and grow stronger with each passing year!

64、Let's unite as one to celebrate this National Day together!

65、May the spirit of freedom and democracy continue to thrive in our nation and inspire us all. 愿自由和民主的精神在我们的国家蓬勃发展,并启发我们所有人。

66、Happy National Day to all my fellow citizens! Let's celebrate our great country together.

67、Happy National Day – a day to celebrate the spirit of patriotism and unity that defines our great nation!

68、Happy National Day to all those who call our country home! Let's celebrate together!

69、Happy National Day! Let’s take pride in our country’s rich heritage!

70、Happy National Day! May China always be peaceful and harmonious!

71、Let's celebrate this day of unity and strength together!

72、May the spirit of National Day fill our hearts with pride and gratitude!


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