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“A. for example B. such as。”可以和大家分享一下你喜欢的句子吗?在不经意的生活里,人们经常分享一些句子。品文字小编为您选出了最好的变长说课稿句子文章让您快速掌握优秀文章,对您的光临表示真诚的感激和谢意!


1、用这种方式 in the way=in this manner=by the method

2、A. for example B. such as

3、任何其他文学形式any other form of literature 2. 召唤,唤起 call up

4、sooner or later 迟早 some other day 某一天 看见以上两个时间状语用将来时

5、feed…on: The farmers feed the sheep on grass.

6、充满 be filled with /be full of 20.用…装满 fill up with

7、A. land B. choice C. house D. preference

8、be designed to do / for sth/sb专为…设计的,打算

9、I saw a movie last night/ yesterday evening. It was one of the best films that I have ever seen.

10、不要放弃。明天将会是更美好的一天。 47. 我梦想将来的某一天能周游全世界。(dream of)

11、黑体字 words in bold 14. 流畅的线条 the flowing lines

12、inform sb of sth通知 informed了解情况的,见闻广识的

13、Mr. Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had had __ went wrong again.


15、摇滚乐手 rock musicians 44.艺术展 art exhibitions

16、无论多困难 however difficult=whatever difficulty/

17、层层深入。如钱梦龙老师《捕蛇者说》第1节的提问:(1 )这种蛇特别,文中用了哪一个字?(“异 ”)(2)“异”在哪里? (归纳为:色、毒、用)(3)作者突出了哪一个?(“毒”)(4)为什么?(陪 衬赋敛之毒)(5)为什么永州人民还“争奔走焉”? (将捕蛇和纳税联在一起)后一问句的焦点以上一问句 提供的新信息为依托,层层递进。

18、do something oneself

19、Our teacher asked us _____ our dictionaries to school.

20、Which of the following best expresses the main idea of this passage?

21、We do not feel______to enter modern buildings;every-thing about them seems unfriendly.


22、at one’s expense由某人负担费用

23、warm前加were 9.At→In 10.or→and

24、以…终结 end up in 50.第一眼 at first glance

25、Show the Ss some building pictures.(幻灯片3)

26、We got lost in the dark forests.______ ,it began to rain.

27、profit 利润 interest 利益

28、_____their country has plenty of oil,ours has none.

29、Chinese readers admire his works because of his use of surprising images that reminds them of the works of poets such as Su Dongpo.

30、at first sight; lose one’s sight; at the sight of ;catch sight of;

31、Both in the choice of materials and shape of buildings, ancient architecture stands much closer to nature.

32、Working in pairs and dealing with the difficult sentences.

33、The choices open to design museums __

34、Washington, a state in the United states, was named_______ one of the greatest American presidents.

35、The teacher said, “The sun rises in the east and goes down in the west.”

36、abandoned practice抛弃了的,废弃了的做法

37、如果有必要的话 if necessary 未必,不一定 not necessarily

38、Why is the Shanghai World Financial Center to be built? :

39、挑剔 be particular about…

40、--------What do you think of the TV play” The Meteor Garden”?

41、. (Betty came in, tired. Lisa said to her)

42、What we need are more English dictionaries.


43、When the meeting will be held haven’t been known yet.

44、Cultivate the students’ ability of speaking, reading, discussing.

45、When the Ss are acting their dialogue , the rest should listen carefully and take some notes and give them a proper evaluation.

46、Introduce the reading skill: skimming.

47、_______came that he was punished by the King for he didn’t________.

48、I wouldn’t feel happy living in a block of apartments.

49、人类情感human feelings 21.诗歌集in the collections of poetry

50、[Individual work]Ask Ss to do Q3 in Part A and questions in C1 individually.

51、Why was Factory 798 welcomed by painters, music bands, artists and musicians?

52、严密保管某物 keep sth under lock and key

53、在某人20几岁时 in one’s twenties

54、和某人开玩笑 play a joke on sb 嘲笑某人 laugh at sb=make fun of sb

55、1)Modern buildings impress us because they are huge. (impress sb)

56、a large amount of/ amounts of +u.n

57、在墙上张贴两幅图片 put up two pictures on the wall

58、A. something B. everything C. whatever D. others

59、You deserve punishment/ punishing/ to be punished.

60、be cast away (被动)因沉船而流落于某地

61、Decorate your bedroom and classroom. And talk about your decoration.

62、make off with money 携款而逃 make out 辨认出 make up 编造,化妆


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