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1、Happy National Day to the wonderful and magnificent people of China!

2、On National Day, let's reflect on the sacrifices and achievements that have made our country what it is today.

3、May your National Day be a day of celebration, happiness, and love for your country and its people.

4、Happy National Day weekend – let's enjoy the festivities and traditions!

5、Celebrating the beauty and richness of our nation on this National Day. Best wishes to you!

6、Happy National Day! May we all strive towards unity, peace, progress, and prosperity for our nation.

7、Celebrating the wonder and beauty of Chinese folk music on its National Day!

8、May the National Day be a time of joy and laughter for all!

9、Happy National Day to the amazing and talented people of China!

10、Happy National Day to the land of Confucius, Laozi, and the Tao!

11、Wishing a happy National Day to all patriotic citizens!

12、Celebrating the unity and freedom of our country, Happy National Day!

13、On this National Day, let us honor our heritage and continue to strive for greatness!

14、Happy National Day! Let's remember and honor those who sacrificed for our freedom.

15、Happy National Day to all those who have sacrificed and worked hard to make our Nation a better place!

16、Happy National Day to a country that is always striving for excellence and innovation!

17、May the National Day bring us closer to building a stronger and better nation. 愿国庆节让我们走向共建更强大、更美好的国家。

18、Happy National Day to the vibrant and colorful people of China!

19、Happy National Day to the extraordinary and talented people of China!

20、Happy National Day to all those who have stood up for our Nation's rights and dignity!

21、May the National Day be a time for us to reflect on the challenges that lie ahead and renew our commitment to overcoming them. 愿国庆节成为我们反思未来挑战、重申我们克服困难的承诺的时刻。

22、May this National Day be a catalyst for positive transformation and change in our society.

23、Let's celebrate this National Day with a renewed sense of pride and dedication towards our nation.

24、May the love, peace, and harmony that our nation stands for continue to unite us on this National Day. Happy Birthday, China!

25、Happy National Day to the land of the Yellow Emperor, the Chu-Han Contention, and the Opium War!

26、Happy National Day to the land of the Beijing Olympics, the Shanghai Expo, and the Hangzhou G20 Summit!

27、Best wishes to China and its people on this National Day, let us strive for a better tomorrow!

28、Let’s unite and work towards a brighter future for our country on this National Day!

29、Happy National Day! Let's come together as a nation to build a brighter future.

30、May the spirit of unity and brotherhood that our country embodies bring you happiness on National Day.

31、Here's to the progress and development of China on its National Day!

32、Let's join hands on this National Day and work towards a brighter future for our nation. Happy Birthday, China!

33、Happy National Day to the land of hope, peace, and progress! 祝福希望、和平和进步的国家国庆节快乐!

34、Let's celebrate the National Day with pride, respect and gratitude for all the sacrifices made by our forefathers for the sake of our country. 让我们以自豪、尊重和感恩之心,在国庆节上纪念我们的先辈为了祖国的未来所作出的牺牲。


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