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Wishing you a wonderful National Day with your loved ones!~~喜欢这类风格的句子吗?因此,栏目特意整理了祝福英文短句(37条),不妨参考一下。希望你喜欢!


1、Have a blessed National Day!

2、Let us remember our roots and celebrate our progress on this National Day.

3、Celebrating our country’s rich history and culture on this National Day!

4、Let us embrace the future with optimism and hope on this National Day, and work towards building a better tomorrow for ourselves, our country, and the world.

5、Let us celebrate our differences and embrace our similarities on this National Day.

6、Happy National Day! Let us celebrate the achievements of our great nation and honor the promise of a brighter tomorrow!

7、Here's to a wonderful National Day filled with joy, peace, and love.

8、Let us come together in appreciation and gratitude for our country on National Day!

9、May this National Day bring peace, love, and unity to our country.

10、On National Day, let us embrace our shared identity as proud Chinese citizens!

11、Let us all look towards the future with hope and optimism!

12、Proud to be celebrating the greatness of our country on National Day!

13、Happy National Day! Let's renew our commitment to working towards a better and brighter future for our nation.

14、Happy 71st National Day to all my fellow Chinese!

15、Let’s build a better future for ourselves and our country on this National Day!

16、Here's to a bright and prosperous future for our country! Wishing you all a Happy National Day!

17、Happy National Day to a country that has achieved so much in so little time!

18、Congratulations on National Day, may China continue to lead and shine in the world.

19、May this National Day bring you happiness and prosperity.


20、May the spirit of unity and harmony be with us on this National Day!

21、Let us come together in the spirit of harmony and unity on National Day!pwz7.Com

22、May the spirit of unity and harmony prevail on National Day!

23、Let us continue to build a bright future for our country on National Day and beyond!

24、Here's to a happy and prosperous National Day celebration with your loved ones!

25、Cheers to our great nation and all who defend it!

26、Best wishes for National Day! May the country thrive and the people prosper!

27、Happy National Day – let's take a moment to reflect on our country's journey and success.

28、Let's come together as a nation to celebrate National Day!

29、On National Day, let's come together to celebrate the unity and diversity of our country.

30、As we celebrate National Day, let us be thankful for the blessings of peace, unity and prosperity.

31、Let's celebrate the cultural heritage and traditions of our country on National Day.

32、Happy National Day – let's embrace our country's rich heritage and values.

33、May our country's success inspire us all to achieve greatness!

34、May our country's heritage and culture inspire us on National Day and beyond!

35、Happy National Day! Let us never forget the sacrifices made for our nation's independence!

36、Happy National Day! Let's renew our commitment to building a strong and prosperous nation.

37、Wishing you a wonderful National Day with your loved ones!


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