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“There is some ________ on the plate.”在网络快速发展的今天,我们在生活中都会分享一下喜欢的句子给别人。句子可以让我们更好地表达我们的情绪和感受,以下是关于这个话题的一些《作文英语万能句子大全结尾》,欢迎参与这个专题的探索我们希望它能给您带来一些有用的信息!


1、I have two books. You can choose either this one or that one.

2、This is not to say that _____ . But in terms of _____ , it is _____ .

3、What do you think of the film? / How do you like the film?


5、be based on sth.:以.……为基础



8、It’s time for supper. It’s time to have supper.

9、Lin Tao didn't know anything about it, neither/nor did Tom.

10、What's wrong with you?=What's the matter with you?=What's your trouble69?

11、Some people argue as if it is a general truth that _____ . But to be frank , I cannot agree with them for the flowing reasons .

12、I saw him enter the room. I saw him coming towards me.


14、When it comes to _____ , most people tend to believe A . But others consider B as _____ .

15、Given the factors I have just outlined , I can only say that _____ .

16、The other students in the class keep their eyes closed

17、He can't help crying.



19、why not do sth 为什么不做……呢?

20、stop doing sth./stop to do sth. remember doing sth./remember to do sth.

21、It is conceivable / obvious / apparent that + 句子:可想而知/明显/显然……

22、I^v^d like ...to come to dinner


24、He is not only my teacher, but also my friend.

25、Until recently , _____ was viewed as _____ . But people are taking a fresh look at it .

26、I like to keep busy.

27、as soon as …从句+主句

28、Why don't men do a bit14 of housework?

29、Neither12 Dad nor13 my brother helps.

30、Walk(Go) along、down the road/street, and take the first turning4 on the left.

31、Buy me a book=Buy a book for me. Get me an apple.=Get an apple for me.


33、Whose shirt is it?=Whose is this shirt?

34、sb. devote oneself/one's life to sth./doing.

35、I am able to swim across the river.

36、either…or… 不是……就是……,或者……或者……


37、One of the greatest writers once said that _____ . Now , it still has its significant realistic value .

38、I like the film, and so dose19 he. (He likes the film. So he does.)


40、There is some ________ on the plate.

41、sb. have some difficulty/ trouble in doing sth.


43、What's the time?=What time is it (by your watch)?

44、He told me not to bring you anything?

45、I feel such an attitude is negative , and that it can bring _____.

46、When inquired about _____ , the vast majority of people would like to _____ , but other people , who hold an opposite view , consider _____ as _____ .

47、It's too dangerous to cross the street.

48、I often help my mother do housework on Sunday. I often help my mother with housework on Sunday.

49、He goes there, and so do I. I also go there. I go there ,too.

50、Why don't you wait for me here? = Why not wait for me here?

51、It is the first step that coststroublesome.万事开头难。


53、The money the miser hoards will do himno good.守财奴积财,对自己毫无好处。



55、What do you mean by saying “It’s strange”?


57、I can’t wait to tell you the good news.

58、Recognizing the fact that _____ should drive us to conclude that _____ .


60、used to do 过去常做某事

61、I often see some students at school talking to each other in English.(see, find, watch, hear)

62、be good/bad for 有利于/有害于……

63、It's up to sb. to do sth.

64、B。注意D项的错误在于there be句型中一般主语不能特指,如把the boy中的the改为a,则此项也为正确选项。


66、no matter when/where/what/who/whether/how... 无论......

67、Time lost cannot be won again.时光一去不复返。


69、It is+adj.+for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说,做某事是……的

70、At the risk of address the issue too direct , I prefer A because I think that _____ .

71、I'll have、get my hair cut.



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