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Let us cherish our rich cultural heritage and traditions as we celebrate this National Day~~你在收集类似的相关句子吗?我们的品文字小编特意搜集并整理了英语祝福短句超短精选27条,有需要的朋友就来看看吧!

1、Sending you my warmest greetings on this special day - National Day!

2、Here is to the kindness and compassion of the Chinese people on National Day!

3、国家的明天比今天更加美好!Tomorrow will be even better than today for our country!

4、Happy National Day! Let us come together and honor the sacrifices of those who came before us.

5、Happy National Day! Let us remember the sacrifices made by those who came before us.

6、Wishing you a joyful and prosperous National Day!

7、Let's pay tribute to the wisdom and vision of the Chinese nation on National Day!

8、May the spirit of unity and progress continue to guide us on National Day and always!

9、On National Day, let us all cherish the memory of our forefathers and their contributions!

10、Here is to the majestic beauty of China on National Day!

11、Wishing you a colorful and vibrant National Day!

12、Cheers to the land of the rising dragon on National Day!

13、Happy National Day! May our country continue to lead and inspire the world!

14、May our country continue to promote innovation and creativity and inspire our youth on National Day! 愿我们的国家在国庆节上继续推动创新和创造力,激发我们的青年!

15、May the Chinese spirit shine bright on National Day!

16、祝愿祖国更加进步发展!Wishing even further progress and development for our motherland!

17、Wishing China a future of peace, stability, and progress on National Day!

18、祖国,你是我们最亲爱的!Motherland, you are our most beloved!

19、Happy National Day, may our country continue to thrive and prosper!

20、Let's rejoice in our nation's prosperity and progress on National Day!

21、Happy National Day to you and your family, may this day bring you joy, peace, and abundance.

22、Wishing everyone a joyful and proud National Day celebration.

23、祝福国家的未来一片光明!Blessings to the bright future of our country!

24、On National Day, let us all stand proud and pay tribute to our great nation!

25、祝愿我们的国家前程似锦!Wishing our country a bright future!

26、Let's promote innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship on National Day!

27、Let us cherish our rich cultural heritage and traditions as we celebrate this National Day.


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