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1、Happy National Day to all the proud citizens of our great country! May we continue to be a beacon of hope and democracy for the world. 祝我们伟大国家的每个骄傲的公民国庆快乐!让我们继续成为全世界希望和民主的象征。

2、Let us all come together on this National Day to celebrate our country's achievements, and renew our commitment to its prosperity and progress.

3、May our country continue to inspire the world on this National Day and always. 愿我们的国家在国庆节和以后继续激励全世界。

4、Best wishes for a National Day filled with laughter and joy.

5、Happy National Day! May the freedom and dignity that our country represents, inspire us to build a better world for all.

6、Let us all celebrate the birth of our great nation and always work towards its continued success.

7、May this National Day be a time of peace, understanding, and unity for all.

8、Congratulations on this great day, may China continue to make tremendous strides forward.

9、Happy National Day! May we all strive to work towards a better future for ourselves, our country, and the world at large.

10、Happy National Day, a time to honor and remember our country's heroes and pioneers!

11、May the red flag with five stars fly high and our great country continue to thrive and prosper.

12、Here's to another year of progress and prosperity for our great nation.

13、On this National Day, let us remember and honor our brave soldiers, who have sacrificed their lives to protect our country and its people.

14、Wishing you a day filled with love, happiness, and joy on this National Day.

15、Happy National Day! May the Chinese people always be filled with hope and ambition for their country.

16、Let's promote innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship on National Day!

17、May the Chinese people continue to prosper and flourish under the guidance of our government.


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