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“The ship steered into port.(船驶进港口。)。”有时候一句话可以构建人类情感共鸣的桥梁,你也经常转载好词好句吧。品文字的编辑特别推荐的《简单英文文案短句》希望大家喜欢,热烈欢迎您细致阅读并珍藏这篇文章的句子!


1、He was always such a gentleman.(他总是这样一个彬彬有礼的人。)

2、He graduated with distinction.(他以优异成绩毕业。)

3、For three years, I have probed for understanding.(3年来我一直在寻求理解。)

4、I'm sorry to intrude, but I need to talk to someone.(对不起打扰了,不过我得找人有话要说。)

5、The area has been mined for slate for centuries.(这个地区开采板岩有数百年了。)

6、Scenes of city life were intercut with interviews with local people.(城市生活的镜头与访问当地人的画面相互交切。)

7、She enquired as to your whereabouts.(她打听你的下落。)

8、The receptionist led the way to the boardroom.(接待员领路来到董事会会议室。)

9、She walked towards him and then halted.(她向他走去,然后停下。)

10、It wasn't a ghost; it was a real person.(那不是鬼魂,是实实在在的人。)

11、As for Jo, she's doing fine.(至于乔,她现在日子过得不错。)

12、There is nothing left inside – no words, no anger, no tears.(心里头空落落的啥也没留下–没有话语,没有愤怒,没有眼泪。)

13、What is it then? Something's up, isn't it?(那么这是怎么回事?出问题了,是不是?)

14、The judge awarded the costs of the case to the petitioners.(那位法官把案子的费用判给了起诉方。)

15、He's over by there.(他在那儿。)

16、We could meet today or tomorrow—I don't mind one way or the other.(我们可以在今天或明天见面,哪一天对我都行。)

17、At this moment a car stopped at the house.(就在此时,一辆汽车停在那座房子前。)

18、He is a pessimist and a defeatist.(他是悲观主义者,也是失败主义者。)


19、Cant get rich all difficulties! A lot of good, a lot of joy!

20、He spoke in a low mumble, as if to himself.(他自言自语般地嘟哝着。)

21、These were horrifying experiences.(这些都是令人震惊的经历。)

22、The remedy lies in the hands of the government.(解决办法就在政府手中。)

23、we shall always save a place for ourselves,only for ourselves.and then begin to love.have no idea of what it is,who he is,how to love or how long it will be.just wait for one love.maybe no one will come out,but this kind of waiting is the love itself.

24、It's not my size.(这个号我不能穿。)

25、Their skin was tanned and glowing from their weeks at the sea.(他们在海上呆了几个星期,皮肤晒得黑里泛红。)

26、It's horrifying to see such poverty.(看到这种贫困状况令人震惊。)

27、purple wind chimes, telling the deep feeling of caring; The depth of golden light, shining thoughts; White clouds, floating wishes to tell; Wish you have a happy weekend!

28、Finally she drifted into sleep.(最后她不知不觉地睡着了。)

29、They told me that they probably wouldn't come.(他们对我说他们多半不会来。)

30、The ship steered into port.(船驶进港口。)

31、He indicated left and then turned right.(他打出的是左转信号,然后却向右转了。)

32、You will be remunerated and so will your staff.(你将会得到报酬,你的员工也会。)

33、Eight hours on a bus is no joke, is it.(坐8个小时的公交车可不是闹着玩儿的,对吧。)

34、I've sent off for some books for my course.(我已去函邮购一些上课用的书。)

35、Wake up missing you, with hair to short message, a few days no see, how, I wish you good mood every day。

36、Police warned motorists to allow extra time to get to work.(警察告诫开车上下班的人要留出富余时间。)


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