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I'm sorry to intrude, but I need to talk to someone.(对不起打扰了,不过我得找人有话要说。)~~我想你此时想把这些短句分享到朋友圈吧?由此,有请你读一下以下的“温柔干净的文案短句英文简短48句”,供大家参考,希望能帮助到有需要的朋友。


1、They came at six and went at nine.(他们是六点钟来的,九点钟走的。)

2、This message: full is missing, is filled with miss, is filled with care, fill the greetings, writing is full of blessings, weekend comes, wish you happy companions, happiness around, good lucky for you。

3、He indicated left and then turned right.(他打出的是左转信号,然后却向右转了。)

4、Heart attract is friendship, respect, is wisdom to attract the physical attraction is the desire, the combination of these three, the love。

5、She slept deeply but woke early.(她睡得很熟,但醒得也早。)

6、祸兮福所依,福兮祸所伏。All the Evils to be considered with the Good, that is in them, and with that worse attends them.

7、There's still another ten minutes of the game to go, but for practical purposes it's already over.(比赛虽然还有十分钟,但实际上等于已经结束了。)

8、Thank you in the past year for our companys strong support, I wish you luck in the New Year, the future! Thanks to the New Year。

9、Momma babbled on and on about how he was ruining me.(妈妈喋喋不休地数说他在如何毁我。)

10、The area has been mined for slate for centuries.(这个地区开采板岩有数百年了。)

11、Happy birthday, more long more beautiful, a happy heart。

12、It's not as hard as I thought.(这没有我想象的那么困难。)

13、It is a country where corruption is rife.(这是个腐败成风的国家。)

14、He graduated with distinction.(他以优异成绩毕业。)

15、She would like to talk to people one to one.(她想和人们一对一地谈话。)


17、He achieved fame for his stage sets for the Folies Bergeres.(他因为为《疯狂的藤椅》设计舞台布景而一举成名。)

18、You were as hot for me as I was for you.(当时你想要我,我也想要你。)

19、They were unsure as to what the next move should be.(下一步该做什么他们心里没底。)

20、He's a man with a grudge.(他是一个心怀怨恨的人。)

21、was trying to save money to go to college.(我当时正努力攒钱去上大学。)

22、It wasn't a ghost; it was a real person.(那不是鬼魂,是实实在在的人。)

23、It took three goes to get it right.(试了三次才把它弄好。)

24、Are they talking Swedish or Danish?(他们说的是瑞典语还是丹麦语?)


25、ke your whole year's plan in the spring and the whole day's plan in the morning.一年之计在于春,一天之计在于晨。

26、She was possessed of exceptional powers of concentration.(她有高超的专注能力。)

27、As for his job – well, he was very mysterious about it.(至于他的工作–嘿,他对此十分诡秘。)

28、For three years, I have probed for understanding.(3年来我一直在寻求理解。)

29、"The early bird catches the worm." - 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。

30、Their skin was tanned and glowing from their weeks at the sea.(他们在海上呆了几个星期,皮肤晒得黑里泛红。)

31、Don't Waste Water!

32、As for Jo, she's doing fine.(至于乔,她现在日子过得不错。)

33、This will amuse you.(这个会逗你笑的。)

34、The judge awarded the costs of the case to the petitioners.(那位法官把案子的费用判给了起诉方。)

35、This is a nice quiet world, the sun is shining as ever, the soft wind gently as ever, I hope that a good time to stop this, bring you joy and inspiration, have a nice weekend!

36、There were thousands of people there—well, hundreds, anyway.(那里有数以千计的人,噢,至少几百人。)

37、Cant get rich all difficulties! A lot of good, a lot of joy!

38、Suddenly, has gone to the cold winter, in such a cold day, thoughts deeper and strong for you。 I wish you a happy peace!

39、But for that, Injun Joe never would have suspected.(要不是那样,印第安·乔决不会起疑心。)

40、Health prescription: the best prescription is positive, the best treatment is prevention, the best sport is running, the best doctor is a friend。

41、It's not my size.(这个号我不能穿。)

42、Finally she drifted into sleep.(最后她不知不觉地睡着了。)

43、It is axiomatic that life is not always easy.(生活并不总是一帆风顺,这是明摆着的事实。)

44、Gives arms to fly bird is happy; The heart to the sea is vast; Looking to the sky is profound; Send blessings to you happy, I wish a happy weekend!

45、Pay attention to electrical safety,money pay attention to you .安全用电创造财富。

46、There are strong signs that his views are gaining ground.(有明显的迹象表明他的观点正越来越深入人心。)

47、There she is on the left up there.(她在那儿,在左边那儿。)

48、I'm sorry to intrude, but I need to talk to someone.(对不起打扰了,不过我得找人有话要说。)


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