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Wishing you a happy and blessed National Day filled with love and joy.~~你也在参考这方面的句子吗?品文字的编辑陆续为大家整理了英语祝福短信简短精选39句,供你参考,希望能帮到你。


1、Happy National Day! Let's remember and honor the sacrifices of our country's military!

2、Let's celebrate the accomplishments and contributions of our country's heroes and leaders on National Day.

3、On National Day, let's honor the traditions and celebrate the diversity of our country.

4、Let's come together to celebrate our country's greatness and uniqueness on National Day.

5、May this National Day inspire us all to work towards a brighter future for our country and our world.

6、Let us all work towards a brighter future full of hope and possibility for our country!

7、Let us celebrate our country's unique personality and charm on National Day!

8、May the spirit of National Day fill our hearts with pride, joy, and hope.

9、May the blessings of National Day bring us closer to our dreams and aspirations!

10、Let's come together and celebrate our love of country on this National Day.

11、Wishing you a happy National Day filled with love, peace, and happiness.

12、Happy National Day to a country that has overcome challenges and emerged victorious!

13、On National Day, let's honor the brave men and women who fought for our freedom.

14、May the spirit of National Day fill our hearts with love for our country!

15、Wishing you and your loved ones a happy and safe National Day celebration.

16、Celebrating National Day with joy and pride in our hearts!

17、Let's cherish the freedom, unity and prosperity that our country has achieved on this National Day! 让我们在国庆节上珍惜我们的国家所取得的自由、团结和繁荣!

18、Happy National Day! Let’s take pride in our nation’s achievements and progress!

19、Happy Birthday, China! 祝中国生日快乐!

20、Wishing you a happy National Day with all your loved ones gathered around you.


21、Happy National Day to the biggest and most beautiful country in the world! 祝世界上最大最美的国家国庆快乐!

22、Wishing you a happy and prosperous National Day filled with joy and laughter.

23、Happy National Day to all the Chinese around the world! 祝全球华人国庆节快乐!

24、May the spirit of patriotism burn bright within us on this National Day!

25、Celebrating our diverse culture and rich history on National Day.

26、May our country's spirit of resilience and progress guide us on National Day and beyond.

27、In honor of China and its people, Happy National Day!

28、May this National Day inspire us to cultivate virtues and values that are universal and timeless, such as kindness, compassion, honesty, and integrity! 愿这个国庆节激励我们培养普遍和永恒的美德和价值观,如仁、爱、诚和正直!

29、Happy National Day, my dear countrymen!

30、Happy 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China! 祝中华人民共和国成立70周年快乐!

31、Let's take a moment to appreciate all the blessings our country has to offer on National Day.

32、May this National Day inspire us all to work towards a more inclusive and equitable society.

33、May this National Day bring us closer together as a nation and inspire us to achieve greater success.

34、Have a happy and memorable National Day celebration with your family and friends!

35、Let's celebrate our generous spirit as Chinese people, and extend our kindness and generosity to all people and creatures in need! 让我们庆祝我们作为中国人的慷慨精神,并将我们的仁慈和慷慨扩展到所有需要帮助的人和生物中!

36、May the joy and happiness of National Day fill your heart and soul! 愿国庆节的欢乐和快乐填满你的心灵!

37、Happy National Day! Let's remember the sacrifices made by our ancestors and honor their legacy.

38、Happy National Day to the country that has survived and thrived through countless challenges and changes! May your spirit and resilience continue to inspire us all! 祝那个在无数挑战和变革中坚持并繁荣的国家国庆快乐!愿你的勇气和坚韧继续激励我们所有人!

39、Wishing you a happy and blessed National Day filled with love and joy.


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