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National Day is a reminder of the sacrifices made by our founding fathers to create a nati~~我想你对这样的句子比较感兴趣吧?为满足你的需求,品文字特地编辑了“超唯美的英文文案精选30条”,欢迎大家与身边的朋友分享吧!

1、National Day is a time to celebrate our resilience, our strength, and our commitment to creating a brighter future for all.

2、Let us come together as a nation on this National Day and celebrate all that we have achieved and all that we have yet to accomplish.


4、On this National Day, let us honor our Chinese heritage and traditions.


6、This winter and you want to see snow, more than snow, more than winter.

7、This National Day, let's renew our commitment to building a stronger, more prosperous and just society for all.

8、National Day is a time to reflect on our country's long and proud history.

9、I only wish to face the sea, with spring flowers blossoming. 我只愿面朝大海,春暖花开。

10、Let us all come together and celebrate the richness and diversity of our country's culture and traditions.

11、As we commemorate National Day, let us remember the sacrifices of our forefathers, and pledge to honor their legacy by creating a world that is more open, inclusive, and just.

12、As we celebrate the National Day, let us all remember the importance of respect and tolerance for all people.

13、National Day is a time for us to come together as a nation and celebrate the progress we have made.

14、Let us take a moment to appreciate our freedom, democracy and the many blessings that come with being a citizen of our great country.

15、Celebrating National Day reaffirms China's commitment to promoting social justice and equality for all.


17、Let us celebrate National Day with love and respect for our Chinese heritage and traditions.

18、Let us celebrate the National Day with a spirit of friendship and cooperation, as we work together towards a brighter future for our nation.

19、Let us use the National Day holiday to renew our commitment to building a better future for our country and the world.

20、Let's use this special day to celebrate the many different ways that Chinese people learn and grow, from our schools and universities to our lifelong pursuit of knowledge.


22、Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!

23、Let us all come together on this National Day to celebrate our shared humanity, promote understanding, and create a more peaceful and just world.

24、As we celebrate the National Day, let us all strive to live up to the values of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

25、Let us celebrate the strength of our diverse communities, and work to ensure that our country is a place of opportunity for all.

26、As we celebrate National Day, let us remember that our strength lies in our unity as a people.

27、Happy National Day to all those who contribute to making our country a beacon of hope, freedom, and progress.

28、National Day is a time to celebrate the achievements of our country's scientists, educators, and artists, whose contributions have enriched our society and culture.

29、Let us come together as one nation, in the pursuit of greater social harmony and inclusive progress.

30、National Day is a reminder of the sacrifices made by our founding fathers to create a nation that is truly of the people, by the people, and for the people.


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