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“April Fools Day is on April 1.”请务必阅读品文字准备的这份不容错过的愚人节英语短信相关文章,非常感谢您抽空阅读这些句子我对您给予的支持心存感激。沟通交流需要灵活应变避免僵化和教条主义,相互交流自己喜欢的一些好句子是有深度的,复杂的心情可以通过简单的句子表达。


1、April fool's day is not only a fool, and bless; April fool's day is not only cheating, and greeting; April fool's day is not only fun, and sincere; April fool's day, sincerely wish you "fools" by the, sink "fool" wild goose.

2、And Americans still play tricks on each other on April Fools Day.

3、Todays April Fools day, I wish you a fool in life and happiness forever.

4、April Fools Day, so worried about you, you must not go out today yo!

5、April Fools Day is approaching. Whose true words will turn into jokes on that day.

6、When you picked up a mirror, looking at his round face, high nose, charming eye, sexy lips, blessed ears, you always can't help but to sigh loudly - pig!

7、Do furniture is lumber, understand poetry is scholar, they think of is money, the message is a fool。


9、Ha ha ha, April Fools Day blessing, fool you with fun, fool unlimited!

10、Whatever kind of person you are, I wish you a Happy April Fools Day!


12、after dinner seven commandment: i quit smoking, quit immediatelyeat two fruits, three ring relaxedbelt, the four immediately quit drinking, wujiebaibu walk, bathe immediately quit six, seven quit immediately to sleep! journey: remember?


14、Do you know? I have always been in love with you. I want to think of your face, your lips, your tongue and your ears. But I'm too poor to tell you. Now I have money, I can speak loudly, "boss, cut the pig half to me."

15、Happy company in April Fools Day, good luck, happy every second!

16、Do your friends play jokes on you on April Fools Day?

17、Are you busy? It's all right. I just want to tell you the way you don't bother you, I'm thinking about you! I hope you received this message, your mouth is smiling, nose arch, hum 2, let the other pig know the owner's love you!

18、Lottery tickets to a 5 million - difficult! Lover to look for a jade bracelet, difficult! Who want to or not bound - difficult! Difficult difficult difficult! Actually not difficult! To tell you, lucky boy born JiChuan: lucky boy! Good luck don't think it's hard to!


19、. the day I saw you in the supermarket! You secretly reached barcode scanner and the screen display: yuan pig's trotters. Do you think the machine is broken and leaned over to look at the screen display PigHead meat yuan!

20、. your quality such as plum general staunch; my character like a glacier and refined; you have admirable connotation; you have let people dump of cool; and we respectfully call you Meichuan underpants was!

21、in my eyes, you will always be looked carefree, and eating with relishis always, sleep is always hanran sleep…… i really envy you know, oh! sometimes think, as you do so pigs are very good!


23、shaceng said: i have 16 change! journey said: i have 32 change! wukong said: i am 72 changed! in his tang seng: nishi on the treatment, you change a phone call, i saw how other people look at monsters with phone messages? happy april fool's day!




27、wont tease you on April Fools day. Id better sweep your grave on Saturday.

28、say love you, not because of April Fools day, that is my heart.


30、Do you know how I know you? When the kindergarten teacher said: wetting a fine of three yuan, two penalty five yuan, three penalty ten yuan, I would like to ask you how much monthly, very strong hands and said: "teacher, I do in the card!

31、April Fools day, serious may lose, not serious will be played to death.



34、Tomorrows April Fools day, today was stupid, but I feel very happy!

35、Some people try to make fun of you, it is because someone is secretly in love with you.

36、Like the 1st of every month, everything seems to be able to start all over again.


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