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“said→told 6.times→time 7.his→their。”沟通交流需要避免任何形式的攻击和指责,在网络上我们看到喜爱的句子一般会收藏一下。分享句子是一种体验和感悟的过程让我们更加真实和有感情,什么样的句子值得提炼分享?以下是小编整理的《句子教学教案》欢迎阅读,无论面对多大的困难只要我们有信心和努力一定能够克服!


1、Which of the following belongs to modern architecture?

2、A 两句话(建筑师的估计取决于计划、计划取决于建筑师的估计)之间存在对比转折关系。


4、assess 评价,估计(价值,数值等) assessment

5、设定目标 set goals 52.艺术作品 art works

6、There are a few sharp corners and straight lines in Gaudi’s designs.( )6.Gaudi only used natural materials, such as stone, brick and wood.( )

7、have an appetite for (knowledge) 求知欲

8、on purpose故意地; for the purpose of 为了…的目的


10、填图表 fill in the chart 27秉.蜡烛光 by the light of a candle

11、Workbook page 98, exercises 1-2

12、C 就在此空后面有the builder,所以本空指选一个好的建筑师。

13、在…的选择上 in the choice of 30. 在建设中 under construction

14、推荐某人干某事recommend sb to do sth 18. 推荐某人当recommend sb. for sth.

15、大声朗读 read sth aloud 25.激情 real passion

16、add A to B 把A加到B 上

17、发展中国家 developing countries 8. 天坛 the Temple of Heaven

18、Report what you have learned about modern architecture next time.

19、Every great Culture in the past had its own ideas of beauty___in art and literature.

20、experiment with/ on (animals)用…做实验


21、初出茅庐的艺术家 beginning artists 42.在临近地区 in the neighbourhood

22、Modern architecture stands closer to nature than ancient architecture.( )

23、I’m going to have my letters_____tomorrow if I’ve got them ready by then.

24、How did Factory 798 turn into an arts center?

25、A. needed B. spent C: collected D. taken

26、Will you drop in at my house this afternoon if_______?

27、Finish the program about Factory 798 as a TV reporter.

28、take it easy别紧张,放轻松点

29、把…和…连在一起join … to 24. 装饰着be decorated with

30、lose heart 失去信心

31、The room was furnished with antiques. (be furnished with furnish sth with with)

32、1)They like these buildings because the rooms and halls are often very large, which is good for

33、I'd rather have a room of my own, however small it is, than______ a room with someone else.

34、In what ways is ancient architecture different from mod-ern architecture?

35、We saw the houses in the street____in order to make room for a large square.

36、said→told 6.times→time 7.his→their

37、When he came to,he found himself____on a chair;

38、I want you to keep me informed of how things are going with you.

39、He/His credit is good for 00.

40、早年at a very young age 23.点燃, 照亮, light sth up


41、Identification Card 身份证

42、After half a year's training, they were made entirely used __underwater again.

43、Workbook page 97, exercises 1-5



46、have difficulty (in) doing sth/ with sth

47、the coming day; the day to come

48、keep up保持,继续; 使居高不下,保持高昂

49、Why did architects in the 1920's want their buildings un-natural?

50、The manager impressed on his office staff the importance of keeping accurate records.

51、go on a spring outing 春游

52、.与。。。相提并论in/by comparison with 43. 查阅 look up

53、Useful expressions on preferences

54、on/ over the radio, by radio on the phone; over the phone; by phone

55、列出…的清单 make lists of 46.外国侵略者 foreign invaders

56、According to the passage, what is one disadvantage of skyscrapers that have mirrored walls?

57、we differ from/ with(和) them on/about/over (关于)the question.

58、persuade sb (not) to do sth说服了; persuade sb into/ out of doing sth

59、make a bargain with sb over sth关于sth和sb达成协议,做成交易

60、complain to sb of/ about sth; make complaints


61、Stimulate the students’ interests in talking about art and architecture

62、lead a cosy life; a cosy little house

63、a medium size中等尺寸 He is of medium height/ weight…

64、就着烛光 by the light of a candle 14.出现,形成 came into being

65、中国古建筑 classical Chinese architecture 6. 违背,对。。。不利 go against

66、quit sth/ doing sth

67、.矗立在荣光宝殿stand out in the halls of glory 6.使想起,使回忆起 call up the memories

68、He will have finished the work by the time his parents get home.

69、I think she will____ a good monitor, so I'm going to vote for her.

70、be desperate for sth/ to do sth 急需…

71、A. appear B. design C. show D. recite

72、Often these buildings are pulled down after having stood empty without use for many years.

73、The author believes that most design museum visitors.

74、A. reduce B. place C. add D. lay

75、1)Poetry also calls up all the colores, feelings, experiences and curious images of a dream world.

76、warn sb of (the danger)

77、提醒某人某事 remind sb. of sth . 34. 使…变得特别 make sth. special

78、Show the Ss some sample dialogues with blanks for the Ss to fill in with

79、The text is about classical Chinese architecture. ( )


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