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1、The Qixi Festival, also known as Chinese Valentine's Day, falls on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month.

2、Qixi is an important time for romantic love in China, and many couples choose to get engaged or married during this time.


4、As we celebrate the Double Seventh Festival, we affirm the power of love to transform and elevate our lives, and to bring us closer to the divine.


6、This year, Qixi Festival falls on August 14th in the Gregorian calendar.

7、The Double Seventh Festival is a time of renewal and rejuvenation, a time to wipe the slate clean and start anew with fresh goals and aspirations.

8、Qixi Festival is a time for couples to express their affection for each other in unique and creative ways.

9、The Double Seventh Festival is a time for joy, laughter and reflection, and is a cherished tradition in many Chinese households.

10、Today is the traditional Chinese Valentine's Day, also known as Qixi Festival.

11、The festival is a reminder of the importance of playfulness and joy in all aspects of life, as well as the power of laughter and lightheartedness to bring people together.

12、May our love never falter, even in the face of obstacles and challenges, just like the love between the Cowherd and Weaver Girl.

13、It is a time to celebrate the changing seasons and to embrace the beauty and wonder of the natural world.

14、On Qixi, couples often exchange gifts and go on romantic dates.

15、Many people also celebrate the festival by making colorful paper crafts and eating traditional treats such as dumplings.

16、The star Vega represents Zhinu and the star Altair represents Niulang.

17、It is a time to let go of past regrets and to embrace the present moment with open hearts and open minds.

18、The festival has always been an important cultural touchstone, reflecting the deep roots of Chinese culture and society.

19、Qixi Festival is a reminder to never take the love we have for granted.

20、On Qixi Festival, people often visit temples to pray for good relationships and love.

21、I'm grateful to have someone as special as my partner to celebrate Qixi Festival with.


23、Qixi Festival is a time when people give gifts to their loved ones and show their affection.

24、The Qixi Festival is a time to reflect on the beauty of life and love, and to express our gratitude for the people we care about.

25、This year, why not take the time to reconnect with someone you've lost touch with, or to reach out to a loved one to express your appreciation?

26、The Korean version of the festival is known as Chilseok and involves the making of rice cakes.

27、Many families and friends use the holiday as an opportunity to come together and celebrate.

28、The Double Seventh Festival is a time to give thanks for the love and support we receive from others, and to recognize the many blessings in our lives.

29、The traditional foods of the Double Seventh Festival include colorful vegetables, fruits and sweets.

30、Many people in China celebrate Qixi Festival by releasing lanterns into the sky.

31、Qixi is a time when people reflect on the importance of love and relationships in their lives.

32、Whether celebrated with elaborate festivities or quiet introspection, the Double Seventh Festival is a cherished part of Chinese culture that continues to inspire and unite people around the world.

33、This year, why not make a wish for everlasting love and happiness with your partner?

34、The festival is also a time to recognize the importance of family and to cherish the bonds that tie us together as a community.


36、The festival is observed by couples exchanging gifts, chocolates, and taking romantic walks under the starry skies.

37、The festival is a time of hope and renewal, as people celebrate the power of love to transform and heal.

38、It is a time of reflection and gratitude for love, as well as an opportunity to renew bonds with loved ones.



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